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Cultivating the future now


Each and every one of us is the future.

That’s why, since 2004, Ingrenium has been working to promote and disseminate Brazilian organic agriculture worldwide, through partnerships based on family farming, fair trade, the dissemination of knowledge and, above all, respect for the environment and people.


We understand that, to strengthen the commitment to future generations and build a new world of opportunities, it is necessary to think differently, do differently and, above all, produce differently, promoting projects and actions that foster citizenship and human dignity and that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the UN.

Projects and initiatives that give a voice and opportunities to people.

Our commitment is to the future. That’s why Ingrenium develops socio-environmental projects everywhere, aimed at the intelligent use of natural resources, sustainable energy and the sharing of knowledge.

Our results in activities and projects have contributed to the expansion of their businesses and the acquisition of organic certification for their products. We also promote Fairtrade certification, which guarantees a fair income for our employees.

Our business model is based on maintaining a controlled and intelligent supply chain. We are as demanding as our customers in supporting the development of high-quality natural products that respect nature and human health. To achieve this, we follow 3 cultural lines based on our values: ethics, transparency and quality.

With a market-leading profile, Ingrenium has consolidated itself as a company specialized in the production, import and processing of organic natural products, and is committed to providing its customers with high-quality products, with a secure and stable supply.

The Traditional Culture of Guarana

Brazil, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, is home to the traditional culture of guarana.  Guarana is a tropical fruit native to the

Cultivating the future now

Each and every one of us is the future. That’s why, since 2004, Ingrenium has been working to promote and disseminate Brazilian organic agriculture worldwide,