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Ingrenium has a history of engagement in projects aimed at sustainable development. We have accompanied several farmer organisations in setting up new productions, and have introduced new technologies to our partners to respond to the specific demands of their clients. 

In recent years, 3 projects have been successfully completed, with the support of governmental development policies and collaboration with companies who share the same mindset regarding the protection of the environment, resulting in knowledge exchange experiences, expansion of organic production and socio-economic progress for small producers.

Projects and actions

Agroindustry in action, in the Amazon

Urucará Sustainable Fruticulture, in the Amazon

Mate and medicinal plants factory, Paraná, South Brazil

Agro-industry Implantation of fruit pulp and vegetable oils, in the Amazon

Structuring of Organic Suma (Ginseng) and FFL sector, in Parana, South Brazil

Structuring of Organic Acerola and FFL sector, in Northeast Brazil

Structuring of Organic Tonka Beans, in the Amazon

Structuring of Organic Baru, in Cerrado

Structuring of Organic Urucum sector, in the Amazon

Enhance production while maintaining sustainable agriculture


Urucará Sustainable Fruticulture

In the Amazon, in the town of Urucara, the Sustainable Fruiticulture Project was launched by Ingrenium, Nat’Orgânico (partner in Brazil) and the Agrofrut cooperative, with the goal of improving the quality and productivity of organic products and ensuring higher income for small producers.

The project, completed in January 2018, was partially funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the ‘’ program, which supports private sector initiatives that promote improvements in developing countries.

Beginning of the project: January 2016

End of the project: January 2018


New trees


Producers trained


Guarana Pretreatment Centers


Agroindustry in Action

The Agro-industry in Action project enabled the transfer of the necessary knowledge and technology for the local processing of fresh fruits (tucumã, cupuaçu, açaí and acerola) for the extraction of oils, pulps and extracts, products with higher added value and therefore access to larger and more appreciated international markets, resulting in increased income and improved quality of life for small producers, strengthening family agriculture in the Amazon.

Beginning of the project: June 2018

End of the project: May 2020

Let’s grow natural and healthy products together


Enhancing Quality of Exported Mate & Diversification of Agricultural Products from Familial Farmers

We also developed a project focused on improving the quality of our yerba mate, supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and in collaboration with partner companies Nat’Organico, Ecoprodev and Sabor do Mate.

Taking place in Turvo, Paraná, in southern Brazil, the main goal of the project was to support the family farmers of the Coopaflora cooperative, ensuring the economic viability of their activity.

Among the actions of the project were the application of Bio and Fairtrade certifications, thus guaranteeing better incomes and working conditions for the local farmers involved.

Beginning of the project: July 2016

End of the project: June 2018


Forest Live

Nous offrons également à nos clients et partenaires, la possibilité de participer avec notre équipe à cet ambitieux projet, afin d’accelerer l’impact du projet FOREST LIVE.

Que cela soit en sourçant vos produits aupres d’Ingrenium ou en participant directement au projet FOREST LIVE, vous pouvez participer activement à nos efforts de preservation et de récupération de la foret Amazonienne.

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The first company certified by Flocert in the Amazon

Producteur Ingrenium Flocert
Tapera Jungle vue aérienne
Producteur Ingrenium Flocert

Sustainable Circular Economy

In partnership with Nat’Organico, Ingrenium is working on a new project, Sustainable Circular Economy. Assisted by EcoProDev and with financial support from the develoPPP program of Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG), the project aims to source well-prepared ingredients that will be transformed into natural plant extracts from various Brazilian plants such as açai and tonka beans from the Amazon forest, as well as Paraná pine nuts, urucum and Brazilian ginseng from the Atlantic Forest.

Beginning of the project: November 2022

Extractions biocirculaires

Tapera Jungle

The Tapera Jungle project is an AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use) project combining Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD) and Avoided Unplanned Deforestation and Degradation (AUDD) activities. The primary objective of the project is to conserve 3,400 ha of Amazon rainforest through forest conservation and sustainable forest management.

The Tapera project states their intention to retain 100% of existing native forest cover in the project’s area (where 20% of the area is able to be legally deforested). It will therefore generate GHG reductions and removals through the conservation of native open Amazon rainforest.

Beginning of the project: November 2022


La production de maté bio & le développement de nouvelles cultures dans la région sud du Brésil

Les plantes et les huiles que nous importons sont destinées à des distributeurs ou à des fabricants à la recherche de produits haute de qualité, conscients des besoins écologiques mondiaux et de la nécessité d’initiatives socio-économiques locales pour la préservation de l’Amazonie et de ses peuples.

Cultivons ensemble un système économique inclusif, solidaire, équitable et régénérateur pour tous et pour la planète.

Structuration filière Acerole Bio et FFL, Nord-est

Ingrenium se démarque du marché international par la garantie de la traçabilité de ses produits tout au long de la chaîne de production. L’entreprise exerce un contrôle strict sur l’origine des fruits utilisés et surveille les autres étapes du traitement réalisées par les entreprises partenaires, comme l’extraction de la pulpe, la congélation du jus, sa concentration et sa transformation en poudre.

En accompagnant de près les activités des fruiticulteurs, Ingrenium certifie que tous les produits ont été cultivés de façon bio, par une identification précise de chaque lot et des conditions dans lesquelles ils ont été produits. De plus, l’entreprise réalise des visites techniques avec ses clients dans les terrains cultivés et dans les unités industrielles qui composent les différentes étapes de la production. Ces procédés garantissent à la fois transparence et fiabilité. De cette façon, les clients ont la certitude qu’aucune vitamine C synthétique n’a été utilisée et que toutes les étapes ont été réalisées sous des normes de qualité élevées.

Il est important de souligner que tous les producteurs possèdent une certification bio et que les entreprises partenaires qui réalisent les étapes industrielles de production possèdent une certification HACCP (Analyse des dangers et points critiques pour leur maîtrise).

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