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Açaï (Euterpe Oleracea)

Brazilian açaí is the definitive choice on the market thanks to the unique nutritional characteristics that make it a superfood highly appreciated by the food and cosmetic industries.

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The state of Pará, in northern Brazil, is the largest consumer and largest producer of Açaí in the world. Açaí from Pará is very rich in proteins, minerals and lipids and has a sweeter and more pleasant taste. Pará produces more than a million tons a year. Additionally, about 20% of the Açaí produced in Brazil comes from the state of Amazonas, which is the second largest producer. Açaí from Amazonas has a higher concentration of the polyphenol anthocyanin.


Rich in protein, minerals, lipids and anthocyanin


Food Supplements, Sweets, Ice Creams and Jams, Drinks, Cosmetics



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