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Tapera Jungle

At the same time, Ingrenium is working on another ambitious project, focused on reducing carbon dioxide emissions and generating carbon credits. The Tapera Jungle project is an AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use) project combining Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD) and Avoided Unplanned Deforestation and Degradation (AUDD) activities. The primary objective of the project is to conserve 140.000 ha of Amazon rainforest through forest conservation and sustainable forest management.

Forêt Brésil

Preserving biodiversity

The Project uses VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) methodology: Method for Avoided Ecosystem Conversion to quantify net greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and removals from project’s activities that prevent conservation of forest to non-forest. As for the activities, the project will elaborate the demarcation of the project’s area, a forest inventory, and surveillance of the project’s area.

APD Project activities include the purchase of 1,400 ha of land to prevent deforestation that would have otherwise occurred, the demarcation of the forest area, the development of a sustainable management plan, and employment of a forest guard to prevent illegal timber harvest of the conserved forest.

AUDD Project activities include implementing conservation agreements with the members of a local farming cooperative over an area of 2,000ha. The conservation agreement will provide direct payment to farmers in exchange for agreement to cease illegal timber harvest within the remnant forest areas of the co-operative. The agreement will not prevent landowners from undertaking sustainable collection of forest products. Forest products will be processed at a small agro-industry for fruit pulps and vegetal oils to support local livelihoods of the cooperative members.

Collaborating with a local and sustainable development

Revenue generated through the sale of Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) will be crucial to the project’s competitiveness against alternative land uses. The carbon credit revenue will also be essential to provide direct payment to landowners under the conservation agreements and to fund the establishment of the sustainable agro-industry to support local livelihoods.

The Tapera project states their intention to retain 100% of existing native forest cover in the project’s area (where 20% of the area is able to be legally deforested). It will therefore generate greenhouse gas reductions and removals through the conservation of native open Amazon rainforest.

Beginning of the project : November 2022

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