Agroindustry in Action

The first successful experience led to a second project, Agroindustry in Action, supported by the German Federal Government through SEQUA as part of the program as well, thus consolidating a long-term business partnership with the local producers from Urucará. The initiative also benefited from the participation of Nat’Organico, EcoProDev, the Agrofrut cooperative and the municipality of Urucará, thus consolidating a long-term business partnership with local producers in Urucará.

Projet agro industrie en action

Valorisation of local producers

The project idea was developed together with the cooperative Agrofrut and with local partners. The local conditions were very favorable to implement the new project as it was built on the results of the former project. The overall objective was to enable small-scale farmers from the Urucará area in Brazil to sell organic high added-value products to international markets.

A processing plant for oil and pulp extraction as well as material for pasteurization, packing, and cooling was set up at the cooperative Agrofrut, to process and preserve products locally. The processing included the extraction of pulps as well as the extraction of oils from fruits.

Training courses about the correct use of the pre-processing equipment as well as the management and collection of native plants were carried out. The local cooperative Agrofrut was responsible for coordinating the trainings in the long run. Additionally, organic and fair-trade certifications were conducted. 

Around 150 farmers, producers and small farmers were benefited by the project’s activities as its direct public, besides young students who joined courses of food processing and international market.

Development of the Urucará region

The actions realized by the project were:

– Strategic development of pre-processing technologies

– Assembly and implementation of processing unit for oil and pulp extraction

– Implementation of 3 more pre-processing pilot units: Castanhal, Marajazinho and Urucará village

– Implementation of good processing practices and a HACCP system

– Organic and Fair Trade certifications

– Development of courses for students on food processing and international markets

Training of local farmers

75 farmers trained and capacitated in:

– Processing of pulps and oils (from tucumã, cupuaçu, açaí, acerola, andiroba, copaíba and cumaru)

– Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

– Management and production techniques based on Agroforestry

– Routines and processes of excellence in the management and collection of native plants

– Appropriate procedures in harvest certification

– Post-harvest treatment and packaging

An additional 75 farmers from neighboring states trained and capacitated in:

– Guarana production, certification and hygiene

– Development of skills and knowledge about food safety and hygiene


Beginning of the project: June 2018

End of the project: May 2020

Our Projects

Tapera Jungle

Urucará Sustainable Fruticulture

Quality of Mate

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